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4 Must read books about investing in physical Gold and Silver

Published by tavex in category Articles on 02.01.2017
Gold price (XAU-SEK)
26391,60 SEK/oz
+ 69,50 SEK
Silver price (XAG-SEK)
314,82 SEK/oz
+ 7,10 SEK

The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth with Gold

Perfectly good book for beginner investors – easy explanations and helpful guidelines for people who want to invest in physical gold. Detailed explanations why and how the economic and political trends are driving the gold market and why so many investors diversify their portfolio with gold.

Essential topics new investors need to understand:

  • The history of gold and its relationship with government debt
  • Gold’s use as hedge against inflation and deflation
  • Selecting a gold broker storing gold and much more.

This is a must read book for anyone considering physical ownership of gold.

Currency Wars – Jim Rickards

One of the best financial book of 2011 written by Wall Street veteran Jim Rickards. Currency Wars author is a real Wall Street guy, having dealt with the Fed, collapsing hedge funds, investment banking giants. Jim also uncovers simulated financial war games organized by the Pentagon and what was his role in that exercise.
He writes about Central Banking, Economics, Issues in todays ´´crony-capitalist´´ system and last but not least, Jim’s understanding of gold bullion and money is measured and refreshing, with new insights on today’s global Currency Wars.

Paper Money Collapse – Detlev Schlicter

Paper Money Collapse, like the other books in this list, is as relevant today as it was in 2011, and contains a detailed look at paper money. The history of paper money, also know as fiat money, and its alternatives like gold bullion are considered with some striking conclusions. If you’re wondering why inflation is such an ever present part of today’s economy, be sure to read Paper Money Collapse to understand what the financial authorities aren’t telling you.

Silver: The Restless Metal – Roy Jastram

The late Professor Roy Jastram is still one of the pre-eminent scholars of the monetary history of gold and silver. The Berkley Professor’s books, The Golden Constant, and Silver: The Restless Metal, are both timeless classics that inform the debate about precious metals, money and trade

There are indeed two metals instantly associated with money, gold and silver and in this book, Professor Jastram’s look at the value of silver over almost a thousand years. With fascinating data from The Royal Mint and medieval England, the early American states and 19th century Europe, after reading this book you will really understand how ‘restless’ silver is the volatile of the monetary metals.

Source:  TheRealAsset

Gold price (XAU-SEK)
26391,60 SEK/oz
+ 69,50 SEK
Silver price (XAG-SEK)
314,82 SEK/oz
+ 7,10 SEK

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